The art of asking the right questions.
The Table Topics Master (TTM), challenges each VETC member with an unknown topic, and the speaker responds with a two minute impromptu speech. This equips speakers to quickly organize and express their thoughts at a moments notice.
This role provides the TTM with an opportunity to practice planning, preparation, organization, time management and facilitation skills.
At VETC we run two Table Topic sessions at the same time. Therefore we have two Table Topics Masters i.e. TTM #1 & TTM #2.
Each Table Topics Master plays a slightly different role. One prepares and leads the session. The other plays more of a support. This helps to avoid confusion and miscommunication. See below for details.
You lead the session by providing a list of questions for use in both sessions, and you introduce the Table Topics Session to the audience. Thinking of questions is great way to be creative. The more questions, the better.
Check with the Toastmaster to find out the theme of the meeting. Prepare topics to carry out that theme. Review the Toastmaster magazine for ideas. Do not repeat pevious topics or ideas.
As TTM #1, you should select subjects and questions that allow speakers to offer opinions. Don’t make the questions too long or complicated and make sure they don’t require specialized knowledge. Phrase questions so the speakers can clearly understand what you want them to talk about. Your job is to give others a chance to speak, so keep your own comments short.
You should aim to have at least (10) questions. The more questions, the better, as this enables you, if possible, to taylor your questions for each individual speaker based on what you know about them. If you do not know the speaker, it fine to ask any question at random.
Print out two copies of your questions and bring them to the meeting. You will give one copy to the TTM #2.
Make sure you each have a copy of the "Table Topics Speakers List" (provided by the Sergeant At Arms (SAA)).
The SAA will also place the Table Topics Ribbon's under the lecturn for you to retrieve during prize giving later.
When the Toastmaster introduces you, walk to the lectern (together with TTM #2) and assume control of the meeting.
Keep your remarks brief but enthusiastic. If the club has a word of the day, encourage speakers to use the word in their response.
Briefly state the purpose of Table Topics. i.e. To practice speaking at a moments notice.
You should also mention that there is a limit of 2 minutes for each speaker, and that all audience members get to vote for their favorite Table Topics Speaker.
And finally, Table Topics is for Members Only. Members who get to speak twice in a night, have just recieved extra practice & vlaue.
Find out who already has an asigned role (Toastmaster, Sergeant at Arms (SAA), General Evaluator, Speakers, Grammarian) so you can firstly call on members who have not yet spoken. Only if time permits should you call on participants who have already spoken.
Remember, Table Topics has a twofold purpose; First, to give every member in the room an opportunity to speak - especially those who are not in the programmed roles - and second, to get people to learn to think and speak coherently in impromptu situations.
Make sure everyone in the room has a piece of paper and pencil to vote for their favorite speaker.
At this point, the audience will seperate with one half moving to another room (led by TTM #2).
Call your first two speakers to the stage. One will take the hot seat and the other will prepare to speak.
Keep the hot seat full at all times to avoid waisting time.
Call on speakers at random. Avoid going around the room in the order in which people are seating, or calling on names in alphabetical order. Give each participant a different question. Don't ask two people the same thing unless you ask each participant to give opposite opinions; "pro" / "con".
Keep track of the speakers by using the "Speakers List" that you received from the SAA. This is very important as you will recall the speakers for voting at the end, and the list will also be used for data tracking. Instructions are provided on the sheet.
Keep a close eye on the time and call the final speaker when you have about (5) minutes to go. This will allow time for the current speaker, and the speaker in the hot seat to finish their speeches before the scheduled end.
At the end of the session, ask the members and guests to vote for the best Table Topic Speaker. Ask the speakers to stand so the audience can see who they are voting for.
Return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster and collect the ballots for counting.
At a later time, the Toastmaster will call you back to announce the Winner. It help to announcing the runners up as this encourages them to keep trying. Present a Table Topics Ribbon to the Winner.
Return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster.
You support Table Topics Master #1 (TTM #1) in leading the second room of participants.
Make sure you have a timing device (smart phone app or stop watch) and a bell for the Ah Counter.
Prepare the second room where you will be holding your session. Make sure there are enough chairs etc.
Ask TTM #1 to give you a copy of the questions that they have prepared.
You should also have a copy of the "Table Topics Speakers List" (provided by the Sergeant At Arms (SAA)).
The SAA will also place the Table Topics Ribbon's under the lecturn for you to retrieve during prize giving later.
When the Toastmaster introduces you, walk to the lectern (together with TTM #1) and stand to one side as they introduce the session.
Listen intently to TTM #1 as they will be explaining how the session should run. For details, please see above under TTM #1.
Assist TTM #1 in making sure everyone has a piece of paper and pencil to vote for their favorite speaker.
At this point, you will lead half of the audience to the second room.
Call your first two speakers to the stage. One will take the hot seat and the other will prepare to speak.
Keep the hot seat full at all times to avoid waisting time.
Call on speakers at random. Avoid going around the room in the order in which people are seating, or calling on names in alphabetical order. Give each participant a different question. Don't ask two people the same thing unless you ask each participant to give opposite opinions; "pro" / "con".
Keep track of the speakers by using the "Speakers List" that you received from the SAA. This is very important as you will recall the speakers for voting at the end, and the list will also be used for data tracking. Instructions are provided on the sheet.
Keep a close eye on the time and call the final speaker when you have about (5) minutes to go. This will allow time for the current speaker, and the speaker in the hot seat to finish their speeches before the scheduled end.
At the end of the session, ask the members and guests to vote for the best Table Topic Speaker. Ask the speakers to stand so the audience can see who they are voting for.
Ask everyone to stay seated while you check on the status of the other session being run by TTM #1.
When the time is right, move quietly back to the main meeting area.
Once everyone is seated, collect the ballots for counting.
At a later time, the Toastmaster will call you back to announce the Winner. It help to announcing the runners up as this encourages them to keep trying. Present a Table Topics Ribbon to the Winner.
Return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster
Make sure you show appreciation to the members that participated on your Table Topics, and congratulate the award winner.