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In Hidsight: You learn a lot about your speech delivery watching it on video afterwards.​


The videographer records those prepared speeches whose speakers want them recorded. At the end of each meeting these speakers can review their performance to gain the considerable benefits of self-evaluation.


As a Videographer, you need to have access to a recording device. If you would like to volunteeer for this position, you need to be available for as many meetings as possible; this is more permanent position. 


To learn more about this role, please contact the Vice President Education. You will then be granted access to the VETC online drive to upload video content and send the file to the proper member. 




  • You arrive at 6:30 - 6:45PM and set up your recording device toward the back of the meeting room.

  • Get the Speaker's Video Relese forms from the Sergeant at Arms.



  • Record each Feature or Guest Speaker. In the case of a Guest Speaker, ask them to fill up a form to grant permission to make their video public in the VETC site.

  • If the Webmaster (or another member of the Executive team) asks you to get the video of a particular speaker, you are in charge of asking that speaker for permission to use their video. If they agree, get them to sign the relese form.




  • Divide the video footage into the individual speeches. Upload files ont he VETC drive and email each video file to its respective member.

  • Delete files after a month. 

  • Upload all Speaker's Video Release forms onto the VETC Drive. (Never delete)

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