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  • Steve Matthews & Ana Badila

Gary Li - "Blasts" Into His 7th Speech

On July 20th 2016, we were treated to another well researched speech by Gary Li. We questioned him for words of wisdom, but before you read any further, watch his at

Q: What inspired you to talk about space programs?

A: I was reading a book, “An Astronaut’s Guide To Life On Earth” by Chris Hatfield and coincidentally I was also working on Speech #7 (Research Your Topic) and I thought ‘what a great topic to talk about’: space exploration. This is something that fascinated me as a child and I believe there are many people who have also been fascinated by the topic. It was something I felt the audience would be interested in getting more information about.

Q: How are you finding your Toastmasters journey so far?

A: It’s been good so far. I've met a lot of amazing people and made great connections. I've become more concise and more articulate, especially in front of a crowd.

Q: Compared to the first speech and now, how are you feeling about your progress?

A: It has really helped me grow as a public speaker. There are so many nuances to public speaking that I did not know existed, and every time I attend, I learn something new, not only from speaking but just by watching other members practice their speech?

Q: Were you nervous on stage, and being at your 7th speech, do the emotions differ from when you had your first speech?

A: I think there is always going to be nervousness, even if you are at the highest level of professional speaker, and that means it matters to you to be able to give something that the audience treasures.

How I deal with that is through a lot of practice and a lot of preparation and just focus on delivering the message instead of my own nervousness

Q: Do you feel like the audience was supportive today?

A: I did, I saw a lot of smiling faces in the crowd which is always very encouraging when you are delivering a speech. That’s how you know they want you to succeed.

"Gary continues to impress with an increasing level of professionalism and he will raise the bar even higher next time. Thank you Gary for a job well done." - Email Steve Matthews if you would like to be featured on the V.E.T.C. blog.

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